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7 Bad Habits Wealthy People Never HAVE

By Andrew Ferebee:

They don't watch TV for more than 60 minute a day. Spending more than a hour in front of the television isn't just a waste of time, its complete madness.

They don't drink to excess on a regular basis. Successful people know how to party. In fast when you are part of the 1percent and you have the money to blow, epic parties become a natural by product.

They don't spend most of their money on consumption instead of creation. Successful people spend their money on things that make them better. They spend money on their business, personal growth, and their passion.

They don't overeat and consume processed foods. How you fuel your body will determine how well you can show up in business and in life. If you are eating clean foods you will feel better, have more energy and look younger. Unhealthy eating habits lead to all sorts of issue with confidence, depression, and long term chronic health problems.

They don't blame others for their failures. You will never meet a successful person blames other people for their failures. If you want to join the 1 percent then quit complaining about Donald Trump, Congress, Your Parent, Your Boss, and the world are all trying to screw you. Instead, focus on how you can succeed regardless of external circumstances. Take responsibility for your life, and you have the power to achieve what ever you want.

They don't spend time warring about other people's opinions. whether they are part of the 1 percent or not, the most successful people in the world (subjectively) don't care about other people opinions. They don't let their family, friends or society determine what they will do with their life or what make them happy. They march to the beat of their own drummer and chart their own path through life.

They don't gossip and waste time talking about other people It just doesn't happen. They have enough stuff going on in their own life. They focus on themselves rather then focusing

on other people.

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